High Intensity Daily Personal Activities

When a participant has very high and complex needs that call for a greater level of expertise, training, and supervision, our registered nurses and trained support workers are qualified in supporting people with complex health needs. Divine Life Care can put together a team that our training specialists oversee in managing any co-morbid conditions. High intensity daily personal activities are the term used by the NDIS to describe the more complex supports some people may need to manage their daily lives.

We are committed to providing a quality standard of care, delivering high level supports when you require high intensity daily personal care to meet your needs.

Our service includes but is not limited to:

  • Complex bowel care and urinary catheter management
  • Enteral feeding and tracheostomy management
  • Subcutaneous injections and complex wound management
  • Severe Dysphagia management
  • Complex needs and challenging behaviours participants
  • Support mobility aids and hoist transfers
  • Stoma care management
  • Diabetic management
  • Medication management